Tiptoe Through the Tulips…Part 4 (River Cruise)

In the final part of this 4-part series, Bethany explores the full river cruise itinerary on her Tulip Time Cruise for Beer Enthusiasts River Cruise on Avalon Waterways.

In late March and early April of 2019 I had the pleasure of sailing on my third Avalon Waterways river cruise. The Tulip Time Cruise for Beer Enthusiasts is one of many special interest river cruises offered by Avalon. This river cruise focuses on two different special interests that I happen to love…tulips and beer! I spent seven nights aboard the Avalon Impression, with two additional nights pre-cruise on my own in Amsterdam. This post highlights the full itinerary of the river cruise and all of the undeniably fabulous stops along the way.

My Tulip Time Cruise for Beer Enthusiasts Itinerary (April 2019)

  • Pre-Cruise: 3 days on my own in Amsterdam
  • Day 1: Boarding the Avalon Impression
  • Day 2: Gouda and Keukenhof Gardens (Netherlands)
  • Day 3: Antwerp and Brussels (Belgium)
  • Day 4: Ghent and Bruges (Belgium)
  • Day 5: Middelburg and Veere (Netherlands)
  • Day 6: Willemstad and sailing to Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • Day 7: Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Enjoying the views from suite #304

Pre-Cruise: 3 days on my own in Amsterdam

I spent a lovely three days and two nights on my own exploring Amsterdam before the river cruise started. Click the button below to read further about my time in Amsterdam:

Day 1: Boarding the Avalon Impression

After my time on my own in Amsterdam I later boarded the beautiful Avalon Impression. The ship has 16 staterooms and 67 suites, with 47 crew members. I stayed in a gorgeous Panorama Suite with a fabulous wall-to-wall panoramic window that creates an open-air balcony. I was warmly welcomed aboard by the friendly crew. Afterward I settled into my beautiful suite and anxiously awaited my upcoming 7-day Tulip Time Cruise for Beer Enthusiasts.

On the day of check-in, Avalon also offers a light lunch buffet in the Panorama Lounge. On this river cruise there was also an option excursion available on day one – a visit to Zaanse Schans. I did not participate in this optional excursion since I had already enjoyed Zaanse Schans on my first river cruise with Avalon. However, Zaanse Schans is a great place to visit and I highly recommend it!

Day 2: Gouda and Keukenhof Gardens

After an overnight sailing from Amsterdam we arrived in Rotterdam, Netherlands to start day 2. The day’s agenda included many different wonderful options.

Gouda City Tour

I started my day on the Gouda city tour. By the way, locals pronounce it “HOW-da”! This walking tour, led by a local guide, took us through the quaint city of Gouda. Along the way we visited the historical city center and toured the great Sint Janskerk (St. John’s Church) and its beautiful stained glass windows. A stroll through the small historic city center took us past canals, alleyways, and medieval mansions. The beautiful De Goudse Waag is in the center of the main square. The building, which dates back to 1668, was originally where farmers would come to have their cheese weighed, inspected, and traded. Today it is a museum and store.

Gouda Cheese Tasting

At the end of the city walking tour we stopped for a cheese tasting at a local cheese shop. Here we sampled several different local cheeses, all of which were unquestionably delicious. After the tasting we had a bit of free time to shop in either the cheese shop or the other shops all along the main square.

Keukenhof Gardens

Keukenhof Gardens
A beautiful sea of purple at Keukenhof

Then we returned to the ship after the morning excursion in Gouda for some lunch. Lunch options on Avalon include a full lunch buffet served in the dining room, or a light lunch option served in the Panorama Lounge. Later I joined the half-day visit to Keukenhof Gardens. Click the button below to read further about my afternoon at Keukenhof Gardens:

Onboard Beer Tasting

Wet-hopped Double IPA

Before dinner I participated in the onboard beer seminar and tasting hosted by our onboard beer expert, Dennis. During this tasting I sampled four different Dutch beers. Click the button below to read further about this and other beer experiences on this cruise:

Day 3: Antwerp and Brussels

Welcome to Belgium!

I awoke on day 3 in the beautiful city of Antwerp, Belgium. As this was our first stop in Belgium I had a delicious Belgian waffle for breakfast, of course! Another nice mix of included and optional excursions was available to choose from.

Antwerp City Tour

We took a short bus ride into town and afterward we had a walking tour of Antwerp city center. We passed numerous famous sites, including Het Steen (a medieval fortress), City Hall, Brabo Statue, Vlaaikensgang (a secret courtyard tucked at the end of a corridor), and the Cathedral of Our Lady. Undeniably, Antwerp is a beautiful city.

Antwerp De Koninck Brewery Tour

Since I chose to do the walking tour that included the brewery tour, I got to visit the De Koninck Brewery after the walking tour concluded. This included a self-guided tour through the brewery and an opportunity to taste two different beers. Both the tour and the beers were wonderful. Click the button below to read further about this and other beer experiences on this cruise:

An afternoon in Brussels

After a long drive (approximately 30 miles and the traffic was quite heavy!) from Antwerp, we arrived for the optional afternoon excursion in Brussels. Just before arriving into Brussels we stopped for a quick photo stop at the Atomium. Built for the 1958 World Fair of Brussels, this beautiful structure was the main pavilion and icon of the fair. It symbolized the democratic will to maintain peace on earth, faith in progress (both technical and scientific), and an optimistic vision of the future. It stands 335 feet high and has nine inter-connected spheres. The structure represents an elementary iron crystal enlarged 165 billion times.

Brussels City Tour

Once in the city center of Brussels we embarked on a walking tour. Strolling through the narrow streets of the lower town, we saw the undeniably magnificent Grand Place and elegant guild houses.

We also visited an icon of Brussels, a small statue of a naked little boy called Manneke Pis, who has been amusing visitors since 1619. This cheeky fountain is a little boy who is proudly, albeit publicly, urinating! Besides the chocolatier costume he was wearing on this day, he has many other costumes that he wears each day.

Day 4: Ghent and Bruges

Day 4 was my favorite overall day of the entire cruise. I visited two equally gorgeous cities in Belgium – Ghent in the morning and Bruges in the afternoon. The day’s agenda included another nice mix of included and optional excursions.

Ghent Canal Cruise

My visit to gorgeous Ghent kicked off with a brisk open-air canal boat cruise through Ghent. It was early in the morning and it was a bit chilly! I definitely recommend bringing a hat, gloves, and scarf for excursions like this in the springtime in Europe. But the day was sunny and clear so it was a beautiful cruise. Despite the chilly ride, the architecture is amazingly beautiful, and it was peaceful and quiet gliding along the canals in the morning.

Gentse Gruut Brewery Tour

Gentse Gruut Blond

The canal cruise ended and dropped us off at the Gentse Gruut Brewery, where we had a brief tour of the facility. We were led through a tasting of three beers by the brewmaster’s son, who explained the overall history of their brewery and how their beer is made. The beer is brewed with herbs and spices instead of hops.

Click the button below to read further about this and other beer experiences on this cruise:

Bruges Canal Cruise

After another delicious lunch onboard, I headed out for the optional afternoon excursion to beautiful Bruges. For those who did not choose to do the optional afternoon excursion, Avalon otherwise provided shuttle bus service back to Ghent. Bruges is called “the Venice of the North” because of its many canals. First, we started our excursion with an open-air canal boat cruise to view the stunning city from the water. As we wound our way around the city, we often had to duck to clear the rather low bridges! We were also greeted by many friendly and curious swans along the way.

Bruges Walking Tour

Then once the canal cruise was finished we set off on foot to explore more of Bruges. I also had some free time after the walking tour to explore further and to do a bit of shopping. Altogether there are too many fun nooks and crannies to explore here in this wonderful medieval city for one afternoon! Certainly, pictures do not do this gorgeous city justice. I highly recommend visiting both Ghent and Bruges.

Day 5: Middelburg and Veere

Day 5 dawned in Veere, Netherlands. Today was a “split” day, where we spent the morning in one city, had a short sailing during lunch, and spent the afternoon in another city.

Middelburg Exploration

This morning I chose to skip the included guided walking tour and instead decided to relax a bit onboard and explore the charming village on my own. The wonderful thing about most European river cruise ports is that the ship typically docks in or near the city so it is usually very easy to get out and do your own thing if you so choose. This port is no exception…the ship docked basically steps away from the city center. So I was able to walk off the ship and explore at my own leisure this morning.

Sailing to Veere

After a relaxing morning exploring Middelburg on my own, I then made my way back to the ship. Soon after returning to the ship, as I was relaxing in my suite I spotted the ship’s chef returning to the ship in a taxi loaded up with lots of local food to be used for our next few meals onboard. This is one of many things I love about Avalon…how often they source fresh, local food and serve local specialties as much as possible. After another delicious lunch I returned to my suite to relax and enjoy the picturesque sailing to Veere.

Delta Works

Once we arrived in Veere we boarded a bus for a short ride to Delta Works. The Delta Works is part of a massive storm surge barrier that was built in the 1970s and 1980s. After a massive flood here in 1953 completely devastated the area and killed more than 1,800 people, they started working on this project to prevent another such disaster in the future. This solution provides protection against storm surges and floods, and also preserves the fish, wildlife, and general ecosystem of the area. As part of our tour we watched a film about the history of the project and subsequently toured the dam system itself. It is, without doubt, quite an impressive complex!

Onboard Food and Beer Pairing Dinner

Tonight’s dinner was an unquestionably incredible Food and Beer Pairing Dinner, presented by our fabulous onboard beer expert Dennis. As we sailed from Veere to Middelharnis I enjoyed six delicious courses, each specifically paired with a different beer.

Click the button below to read further about this and other beer experiences on this cruise:

Day 6: Willemstad and sailing to Amsterdam

After an overnight sailing we arrived in Middelharnis, Netherlands early on day 6. Today’s itinerary included not only the morning in Willemstad but also a full afternoon of sailing as we started making our way back to Amsterdam.

Willemstad City Tour

A short bus ride took us from the ship’s docking location in Middelharnis to the fortified town of Willemstad. In 1583, William of Orange decided to fortify the town to guard it against the Spanish. From the air, you can see that Willemstad is surrounded by fortified walls and a moat in the shape of a six-pointed star. Even though it was a cool and dreary morning, the guided walk through the small town was very nice. After walking through the town we ended at the Domed Church where we were further treated to an organ concert.

Onboard Beer and Cheese Tasting

Beer and cheese ready to taste

Once we finished exploring Willemstad we headed back to the ship for the onboard beer and cheese tasting. Dennis, our onboard beer expert, introduced us to three beers, each paired with a different cheese.

Click the button below to read further about this and other beer experiences on this cruise:

Sailing from Willemstad to Amsterdam

Additionally, a leisurely afternoon of sailing from Willemstad to Amsterdam provided some amazing views of the Dutch countryside and also offered an opportunity to relax after a few rather busy days. It was a bit brisk up on the Sky Deck, but at least the morning drizzle stopped and the sun was starting to peek out as we glided along the river.


One of the amazing sights we sailed past was Kinderdijk, a UNESCO World Heritage sight. It has 19 iconic 18th-century windmills that are all still functional. This water management network includes the 19 mills and 3 pumping stations, and also many dikes and reservoirs that control flooding in the polder (low-lying area).

Farewell Gala Dinner

Afterward, the day ended with a glorious Farewell Gala Dinner. This five-course dinner was a delicious way to celebrate the next-to-last evening onboard. Additionally we were treated to a parade of the ship’s crew, where we could celebrate and show our appreciation for a fantastic cruise.

Day 7: Amsterdam

Sunrise in Amsterdam

The last full day of the river cruise was spent back in Amsterdam. There were several equally wonderful excursions to choose from again today.

Amsterdam Canal Cruise

During the one-hour cruise in a glass-topped boat we meandered through the magnificent city, past the beautiful architecture and the ubiquitous houseboats. It was an especially quiet Sunday morning as we glided through the canals. A canal cruise is a wonderful way to see this city from a different point of view. Accordingly, I highly recommend this activity for anyone visiting Amsterdam!

Poesiat & Kater Brewery Tour

The canal cruise ended and afterwards I joined the Poesiat & Kater Brewery tour. This comparatively new brewery was fun (and tasty!) to visit. Here we got a tour of the brewery as well as had a tasting of two different beers. Each beer was also expertly paired with a small bite.

Click the button below to read further about this and other beer experiences on this cruise:

Jordaan Foodie Walk

My final excursion of the cruise was the terrific Jordaan Foodie Walk. This fun optional afternoon excursion included a walking tour of the Jordaan neighborhood in Amsterdam, and we eventually visited five different locations to sample five different Dutch specialties:

  • Poffertjes (small, fluffy pancakes typically served with powdered sugar and butter)
  • Stroopwafel (two thin round waffle cookies with a sweet caramel filling)
  • Cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Bitterballen (a very thick beef stew, refrigerated until it firms, and then rolled into balls which then get breaded and fried) and beer…sounds a bit strange but it is delicious!

In addition to the yummy food we sampled, the architecture we viewed along the walking tour was especially beautiful as well. The Jordaan neighborhood is a fun and eclectic section of Amsterdam that is a great place to just wander around in.

Captain’s Farewell Cocktail

Before our final dinner onboard the Avalon Impression we enjoyed the Captain’s Farewell Cocktail in the Panorama Lounge. Our fabulous cruise director (Gusta) and our amazing captain (Rolin) both gave a short speech to recap our wonderful cruise through Netherlands and Belgium. After a toast and a hearty cheer, we all headed into the the dining room to enjoy one last dinner together onboard the Avalon Impression.


I undeniably enjoyed my Tulip Time Cruise for Beer Enthusiasts! As with my other Avalon river cruises, this one also provided exceptional service from all levels of the crew. The quality and variety of excursions was also wonderful. I particularly enjoyed the beer experiences both on and off the ship and I learned a lot about different types of beer and different brewing processes. The architecture of the beautiful small cities and towns visited along the way is also amazing. If you have a green thumb, an interest in beer, a love of old-world Europe, or any combination thereof, then you owe it to yourself to check out this special-interest cruise on Avalon.

Click the buttons below to read parts 1, 2, and 3 in this series:

Click the button below for further information on the 2023 Avalon Tulip Time Cruise for Beer Enthusiasts itinerary:

Note: I fully funded this trip on my own and received no compensation or any other benefits from any service providers I used along the way. The opinions expressed here are my own and I am not being compensated by any service providers.

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2 Responses

  1. Connie says:

    You are a gifted writer. I was on that cruise yet learned things from your blog! Thank you for your careful storytelling.

    • Bethany Explores says:

      Thanks so much, Connie! I thought of you and Paul often as I wrote these posts and fondly remembered how much fun we had.